Thursday, July 31, 2008


I’ve never had a blog or any real desire to propagate myself on the web but I recently realized that if you Google my name I don’t really exist. I mean if Google can’t find me then am I really here? Google knows everything right? I suppose I could live vicariously through the other Jason Fitzpatrick’s you may find; I mean some of them have really interesting lives. But then I started thinking ‘why should I let a record holding Notre Dame Swimmer turned Actor be at the top of the list?’ I’m pretty interesting myself. I’d even settle for beating out the #2 Jason Fitzpatrick who is an editor of some hacker site. I can tell you one thing for sure I don’t want people confusing me with the guy in the YouTube video that you’ll find listed as #3. So this begins my pursuit of the Top 3 on Google I know it’s a lofty goal but I’m focus and up for the challenges ahead.

Oh ya don’t bother correcting my spelling or grammar it’s never been my strong suit. The way I look at it is if MS Word doesn’t pick up on it, it’s not that important.

I read somewhere that if you have links to other sites about yourself that the Googlebot is more likely to pick up on you so here it goes (but i dont really do the myspace thing)

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