Friday, August 1, 2008

Reading Outloud

So on Wednesday night I was reading a classic, The Bernstein Bears to my kids. I had a long day and this wasn't at the top of my list of things to do, but one of the joys of being a Dad is that you do a lot of things that aren’t always on your list. Now don't get me wrong I love spending time with them, wither its reading, play dough, squirt guns, legos, you name it. I'll do anything to be around them. I was just really worn out, so back to The Bernstein Bears.

While excitedly reading about the Bear family treasure hunt my mind started to wonder (I have a lot of things going on right now) I turned the page and continued to read, a few moments passed and my lovely daughter in the sweetest little voice says “Daddy are you reading in your head?” I had to stop and ponder this for a second, was I not verbalizing the words flowing through my mind? I looked up at her and she knew the answer. The three of us started laughing and rolling around on the ground, this must have gone on for a good 15 min. Every time I picked up the book one of us would start giggling and you know how contagious laughter is. After we finished reading my lil girl say’s to me “Daddy that was fun you should read in your head more often”

I thought I had a point to this story but as it turns out nothing is coming to mind. It’s just one of those moments that you look back on and smile. I guess if I had to come up with a “Moral of the Story” it would be this:

It’s not what you do with your kids but the love that you do it with. Too often we get caught up in other “Stuff” and we neglect the best things like spending time rolling on the ground laughing.

I also wanted to give a shout out the Googlebot. Seriously I’ll take you out to dinner or something just put me in the top 3

Thursday, July 31, 2008


I’ve never had a blog or any real desire to propagate myself on the web but I recently realized that if you Google my name I don’t really exist. I mean if Google can’t find me then am I really here? Google knows everything right? I suppose I could live vicariously through the other Jason Fitzpatrick’s you may find; I mean some of them have really interesting lives. But then I started thinking ‘why should I let a record holding Notre Dame Swimmer turned Actor be at the top of the list?’ I’m pretty interesting myself. I’d even settle for beating out the #2 Jason Fitzpatrick who is an editor of some hacker site. I can tell you one thing for sure I don’t want people confusing me with the guy in the YouTube video that you’ll find listed as #3. So this begins my pursuit of the Top 3 on Google I know it’s a lofty goal but I’m focus and up for the challenges ahead.

Oh ya don’t bother correcting my spelling or grammar it’s never been my strong suit. The way I look at it is if MS Word doesn’t pick up on it, it’s not that important.

I read somewhere that if you have links to other sites about yourself that the Googlebot is more likely to pick up on you so here it goes (but i dont really do the myspace thing)